Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Fuck You Kakfa

I awoke in a pool of melancholy and allowed myself to drown in it.

I never saw the sunshine,
Just dark apathy and depression
Encompassing my total being.

The world is a cruel place for the weaklings,
So why can't I improve myself: my body, my mind, my soul, & my emotions.
I use the words awkward and Kafkaesque too liberally
That I can't think up better words to describe the cure of my illness.

There is no more independent thought
In the abyss that is my mind.

So how does one make an acurate rebirth?
Cocooning oneself as a meditation practice and pray alone.
There are no good thoughts left,
I fall in and out of love as the pendulum swings.
My social community group has promoted independence so much
No one truly desires to work cooperatively again.

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