Saturday, April 20, 2013

Thoughts and Quotes

You are free, therefore you are lost is written on my bathroom wall
I receive only drips of the existential theory, but mostly the angst.
Shakespeare shares his wine with the transvestites and pagan gods,
But as soon as moon is bright and clear, the real sides of Venetians arise.

A Poem Found in my Corner of Cyberspace

How can you make me describe my green natural friend?
I don’t believe I can, but I’ll try—and I’ll use small words.
She’s real and grateful, and confident to the end,
She swims with the sea and flies with the blue sky birds.

She enjoys spontaneity yet plans the restrictions of the daily
I cannot explain why or why not.

I am the nervous wreck and the impartial mind compared to her
Leave me be, 
How I long for one day I will return to her and we will live 
As the real social norm has instructed us—marriage, pets, children, white picket fences.
Knowing myself only a little, the final act will be devastating on my soul
And the rain clouds will laugh in triumph during their mighty roar.

Monday, April 15, 2013

Set your mind at warp level 10

Have you ever lost your favorite pen,
then go on an excessive beer binge filled with rage and personality?
Then wake up in the fog of the mother of all hangovers,
forced to go to work where you are rushed to hurry up and wait.
And you never actually finish the job assigned to you,
just abandon it.
Then come back home to an empty room with no response
to your question you posed to the current love interest.
Depression, it's subjective and bores you to death with expenses.