We are the first generation to make less money than our parents.
We have the degree, but lack of experience forces us to work
Menial jobs at Starbucks and Sears, which allows us to
Only slowly pay off our student loan debt and car payments. No handouts from our parents.
Our motivation is slowly eradicated as to help out Big Brother
Keep up in check, keep us dependent on him.
Keep us living at home and perpetuate our childhood well into our thirties.
We are the first generation to be enthralled by the mindlessness of
Twitter, the Kardashians, and Marvel movies (that keep improving from the predecessor).
We rush ourselves to rumor weeds and gossip,
Maybe to alleviate the pain of our meaningless existence.
Or perhaps due to boredom to kill an afternoon.
Not acknowledging or accepting something in our real life is what we’ve learned from Hollywood and Netflix.
We strive to be Abed instead of what our grandparents’ religions taught us.
We are the first generation to grow up on Totino’s pizzas and PopTarts,
Even ignoring our personal health at times.
Sitting in our sedentary lifestyle playing WoW with a bag of Lays Sour Cream & Onion.
Skipping the gym to sleep in and ignoring our growing gut.
We are the first generation to realize our kind has been damaging the planet with
Temporariness and wastefulness of plastic bags and wasting enough food to feed a small impoverished nation,
And we’re beginning to see the error in our ways.
Don’t forget, we are creatures of progress and evolution,
And thanks to caffeinated beverages, we can grow faster so to make the difference.