Friday, May 10, 2013

One Post (The Vinyl Picket Fence)

Fence from Toronto.
One post grounded for breaking.
Now I'm popular.

Once the first post is carefully shoved into the hole I made, I'll be on my way to popularity and fame.
All will oooh and aaah when the sight of my Canadian Fence catches their eye.
They chose right with advertising to a famed select few; the group I belong to.
Looking will be free, but pictures $7, and physical touching $15.
The neighbors will privately scream with envy and wives jogging past will request from their husbands to get the same--causing a humongous trifle in the domestic paradise.

YES! I have the most beautiful kingdom with this fence.
The most secure and private area; no one will know what happens on the inside
They will wonder and want the same thing.  To be safe within the home and no worries of petty burglary and theft.
The magic of the Vinyl Fence of the Great North protects and inspires beauty.
Love and respect the magic the Picket Fence creates.

Monday, May 6, 2013

Poem for May 6, 2013

Cell phone swindlers talk me up.
All they do is screw over the general public for a percentage.
They leave us with a ticking time bomb of hatred and regret.
I am the rube of all rubes,
The king of the chumps.
Giving me another reason to question my life and my choices.
I guess I'll just find a night flight to flee.

Loneliness and Hormones

My most passionate romantic entanglement began with loneliness and hormones,
but it ended with a loss of the horniness and the alone part stayed.
The proof of my ass hole-ness stained and stenched my whole self.
Baths and showers can't wash it away.

I wept like sandstone seeped with ocean amounts of water packed inside,
just waiting to break apart and crumble.

The world held up a mirror to me and all I saw was Fuck 'n Run
(even having my genitals set on fire didn't give me a full epiphany-- I began to ignore it more loudly as time did what it does best.  Luckily fires have a tendency to burn out with time).

I always saw it as the world is not with us, but I see now that we are not with the world.
And now I see that I have become the pre-wedding boyfriend.
Nothing ever stays with me because I don't let it,
deep down, I may not want it to.