Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Strictly Passive

I loose focus in the profound moments.
Have you ever done that?
It's easier to just become passive and watch the world do it's work.
Sure, people, the world, will give you opportunities,
But you just sit on your porch, in the rocking chair
sipping coffee from your mother's mug.

"Leave me alone" you'll say when you are begged to move.
No, you'll just ignore the signs and omens,
And watch the days pass in front of you.

New Love

How exciting new love is,
To flirt and giggle with a receptive partner.
To hold and be held, to cuddle all night.
To give part of yourself to the other;
A gift of great worth.
Love me, and never let go.

Friday, November 2, 2012


I am slave to the electronics: computer, cell phone, 
Printed and published words I care not to read.
Most of the world is digital and wi-fi compatible anyway, 
who cares about the antiques anymore?
What can interpersonal skills do for a reputation when all people want are short brief instant message and text convos? 
Why go on when the world is about to whimper it’s waning existence?

Does anyone listen to the voice of reason or conscience anymore?
We no longer pay attention to one another, only our screens which destroy our beautiful gift of sight slowly.
No actual conversations, just short digital words.

Our society is so fucked up,
What nation would allow it’s citizens to fall into apathy and never rise again?
Our leaders must want us as docile as jawless zombies, chained on a leash and forced to follow and obey.

I cry when I think about my future, and the amount of work I must accomplish.
I just don’t care anymore.
I hate this place and what it’s done to me.  I want to leave and never return.

Just abandon it; it’s all you know.